The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra and it lies in the center of the seven primary chakras. It
serves as a bridge between the lower chakras of our physicality and higher chakras of our spirit.

Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Location: Heart Center
Color: Green
Element: Air
Sound: Yam
Note: F or F#
Shape: Crescent Moon
Planet: Venus
Astrological Signs: Libra, Taurus
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Emerald, Morganite
Essential Oils: Rose, Neroli, Lavender, Jasmine
Goddess Archetype: The Lover
Anahata can be translated into unhurt, unbeaten, unstruck, which is ultimately our true unconditional loving nature. When in balance, we can be more compassionate and enjoy healthy loving relationships. Imbalanced, we can exhibit an overbearing ego, jealousy, attachment issues, feeling unloved, which could manifest physically as high blood pressure or heart disease. In order to work through an imbalanced heart chakra to achieve more balance, we are encouraged to work through uncomfortable emotions that we have pushed away and aside... essentially feeling all the feels that we don't want to. But is through the feeling and therefore processing these unpleasant emotions that we get free and are able to be in balance.