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January's Full Moon... hungry like the wolf

On January 25, 2024, we bask under the moon light of the Wolf Moon.

Why the “Wolf Moon?” It is believed to refer to the fact that wolves are usually active at this time of year, especially due to the frequent howling of the wolves in mid-winter. This howling was thought to be due to the wolves being hungry and it was harder for them to hunt in winter. Today we understand that wolves howl for a myriad of reasons, including to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds, and coordinate hunting. 

For this moon, explore your inner wolf by working with your boldness, playfulness, creativity, and self-expression. This can push you to live deeper in your truth, giving you the courage to try new things and step outside your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to let go of repressed fears and insecurities limiting your potential.

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