The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third of the seven primary chakras and as such it serves as our place of personal power and will.
Sanskrit Name: Manipura
Location: Solar Plexus (area between diaphragm and navel)
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Sound: Ram
Note: E
Shape: Globe
Planets: Mars, the Sun
Astrological Sign: Leo, Aries
Crystals: Pyrite, Citrine, Amber, Yellow Agate
Essential Oils: Lemon, Ginger, Grapefruit, Peppermint
Goddess Archetype: The Warrior
The Solar Plexus chakra is responsible for delivering energy to our vital organs. When this chakra is balanced, we enjoy feelings of high self-worth and self-confidence, as well as being organized and in control of our destiny. When out of balance, we may experience anger, an inability to finish tasks, and/or digestive disorders such as indigestion, IBS, or pancreatitis.
Looking into the goddess archetype a bit more, what warriors comes to your mind first? One of my person favorite warrior goddesses is Durga from Hinduism. Durga's physical appearance embodies that of the warrior as she is typically depicted having multiple arms (either 8 or 10) with arm holding the special weapon of one of the gods while riding a lion. There is also Joan of Arc, Freya, and Wonder Woman. When we connect with our Warrior, we connect to our power source, we then become forces for good in the world.